Pingu's English

Be Accountable

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“When we are really honest with ourselves we must admit our lives are all that really belong to us. So it is how we use our lives that determines the kind of men we are.”

Do you know that you are responsible for all your doings?

If you are a successful person, it’s because you worked and achieved your goals successfully, you are talented it’s not somebody else who gave you the opportunities, it is your work and passion which inspired them to hire you! Always remember you are responsible for your own progress.

It is your responsibility to always take an initiative to improve yourself when you stop learning you are actually losing your values. Always, prepare your personal development plans, because they are essential.

You can never blame anybody else, for your unsuccessful plans or anything else, because it was all your job to make them perfect.

Avoid looking at the negative side, look at what you already have and how can you improve with those skills. Focus on your skills. Improve yourself, you will improve your future, your present, and your personal development.

“Your goals need to be just out of reach. If you reach for an impossible target, you’re setting yourself up for failure. If you stick to what’s easy, you’re denying yourself the satisfaction of achievement and only minimal change will occur. Find that middle ground with a stretch goal in your personal self-development.”

Always, make amazing action plans, which can easily inspire! But sometimes, even the most brilliant action plans don’t work, so never give up because this is what real learning is. When you learn to balance your cycle of life between all ups and downs, you become the most successful person.

“There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them. ”    

Denis Waitley


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